The RX6 / E-Glass Tuna rod blanks are designed to handle the largest tuna that swim. By combining E-Glass and the RX6 graphite, these blanks offer unparralleled strength and lifting power. Modern Blend of RX6 Graphite/E-Glass E-Glass Pattern with RX6 Graphite Added to the Bottom ½ of the Blank for Lighter Weight, Increased Sensitivity, Slimmer Rear Profile, and Greater Lifting Power E-Glass Tip for Extra Fast Action and High Strength Perfect Live Bait and Saltwater Blanks Stunning Gloss Black Finish Beautiful Titanium Chrome Finish Striking Clear Gloss Finish Subtle Matte Gray Finish
Rainshadow RCTB XXXH 7’0″ Rod Blank – RCTB70XXXH-CG